Thursday 7 March 2013

Introducing Interestingly Different!

Hi and welcome to our blog ... thanks for reading!

I am new to the world of blogging, however thought this would be a great platform to tell you about what we do, what we offer and give our thoughts on our sometimes beautiful, sometimes tough and sometimes very weird world we inhabit ... hope you enjoy!

We have experienced so much over the past six months and I think it would be great to share some of our experiences and you never know may be of some use to someone who:

a) Is thinking about or actually starting up a new business
b) Works with people with learning disabilities
c) Is interested in all things, retro, vintage, 'antiquey' and a little curious

We are a not-for-profit community interest company (for those who don't know what this is, look out for blogs in the future where I will explore this further) which essentially means that any profits the shop makes gets reinvested back into the company to support the local community ... and in our case primarily working with people with learning disabilities, which I will explore in later blogs .... however, in the meantime, check out our website:

Our beautiful shop is based in Carshalton (Surrey) and sells an array of products that fall into the categories of vintage, retro, antiques, craft or just a little bit curious! We are passionate about all these areas and this will be reflected in future blogs ... in particular trends and fashions in the world of furniture and crafts. We also have a website which has all the stock on it for you to look at of an evening and hopefully purchase as a centre piece in your home.

We started the company about six months ago and it has had many ups and many downs, but ultimately it has been an amazing experience. In the last six months I feel like I have learnt and picked up the equivalent amount of experience as I would do working for someone else for 10 years! I will be exploring this in some more detail in my next blog and warn of some the pitfalls you may face .... also the amazing sense of satisfaction you will experience.

If any of the above interest you please check back here once a week and spread the word ... particularly the future blogs about people with learning disabilities and the issues they face. It would be great to hear some feedback and also your own thoughts and experiences of the aforementioned subjects.

In the meantime here are a few pictures from our shop as a little taster of what we do:

Cheers very much for reading guys and gals .... until next time fill your life with love and laughter!
